Spiritual Practice
With all the love of her being, Ma always meets everyone out of that immediate moment.
Ma’s teachings are straightforward and easy to implement in everyday life. They offer an opportunity to live in greater mindfulness - with growing understanding and compassion for others and for oneself.
The word Darshan derives from Sanskrit and describes the encounter with a person that has realized the divine within him or herself, a spiritual master.
Ma’s darshan can – be it through a direct meeting, listening to her spoken word or reading it – open up a new approach to life.
These records and notes were created during the various Darshan with Ma. They reveal the unconditional love with which Ma receives all people and make it tangible. For many, she is an inspiration, mirror and anchor, especially in difficult times.
You long for love? So help this love to take birth within you!
You long for peace? So let this peace take form within you!
This world will not get any better or peaceful on it's own - who should be peaceful but us humans?
Essential Darshan
Here you can read some selected darshan. These are transcriptions and translations of darshan that Ma has given in German and that have been recorded. Ma speaks in these darshan about questions that touch the …
A calendar of the ashram has been published every year since 2004. For each month there is a calendar page with words by Durgamayi Ma - with a beautiful picture. The photos for these calendars are by …
In the Journal we regularly publish articles with news and current information, changes to dates, retrospectives on celebrations and special events in the ashram.
Kirtan is singing God's many names - the inner call of longing for unity, for peace, for freedom, for a love that never fades.
I know of few spiritual practices that bring us into contact with our hearts as directly as singing.
On the path of Bhakti Yoga, the path that Ma shows us, singing kirtan is an essential part of spiritual practice.
Following the chant of the lead singer, we allow ourselves to be taken inwards and experience what already is within us – together and yet each for himself or herself.