Hanuman, Son of the Wind

The author here narrates the immortal epic of the ancient Indians, the Ramayana of the sage Valmiki, bringing us close to the essence of Hanuman as the embodiment of duty, devotion and worship of God. Hanuman’s incomparable courage, invincible strength, learnedness and intelligence, wisdom and unfailing insight, self-sacrifice, and all-encompassing consciousness bear witness of a high level of development that harmoniously unites action, feeling, intellect, and spirituality.

Hanuman is the master who guides those truly seeking enlightenment on the spiritual path. He is an everlasting source of inspiration for everyone.

Price Pages published Language Publisher ISBN
21,00 € 154 Deutsch MaSutra 978-3-946700-02-9

Englisch Version by:

Dr.  K. Subrahmanyam
