Email from Ma to her Chela on the Mahasamadhi of Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

In April 2012, Sri Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati left her body. At her side and through her unconditional love, Durgamayi Ma completed her path. Ma wrote these words to her own chela when she received the news of her master’s mahasamadhi:

namaste, my dear devotees,

last friday night, on april 14th 2012, my beloved master, Sri Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati left her body. i want you to know that your MA is not sad - for since we separated on the outside more than 30 years ago i live in complete unity with her, with all beings! however, yet again a master has left this earth – truly recognised by far too few – and a great light has thus gone out in our dark world.

may many more masters imbue this earth with their light so that all human beings may reach enlightenment!

your MA lived in Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati’s ashram for seven years – 1974 – 1981! i received intensive teaching in the most direct way, a process which culminated in my awakening to my self, although that happened when i was already on my way home to germany, at the airport in miami!

Sri Neem Karoli Baba placed the seed in your MA’s heart and Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati taught me how to make this precious seed flower.

i am filled with eternal gratitude for having followed this path at the side of my master who i love above all else. she was wild at the time, a threat to the ego from the day one and always much larger than life itself.

pranam to you, eternal divine mother, you who crushed me and tore me apart with your boundless love. remain with your numerous chela and remain with all human beings! let them breathe your love with the air they breathe!

Sri Sri Sri Baba Neem Karoli ki jai
Sri Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati ki jaijai
Sri Hanumana ki jai

with deep love i am forever your MA