Becoming a Chela

After a while, some people may wish to deepen their spiritual path and ask Ma to accept them as a chela – a spiritual disciple.

Asking a Master to become his or her disciple is above all an expression of one’s own desire and a promise to oneself to direct one’s actions in this life towards striving for higher consciousness - by taking Ma’s hand and following her teachings.

If you wish to become Ma’s chela, write a letter to Ma expressing this wish.

To be sure of your wish, please attend three weekends of darshan or celebrations beforehand.

Ma gives darshan regularly at Sri Neem Karoli Baba Mandir.

The external Master is a manifestation of the nameless Master within who – really without any difference – resides in all living beings. The connection that a person can establish with his Master opens the door to the nameless Master within. And once this person has eventually become one with the inner Master, the external Master is no longer needed. However, the external Master plays a major – in my eyes indispensable – role on this inward-bound journey.