Krishna Kumar Shah has left his body
We received the sad news that Krishna Kumar Shah, who was affectionately called only K.K. by everyone, has left his body on January 14th in India. K.K. is one of the most long-standing devotees of Sri Neem Karoli Baba - he met Maharajji for the first time already at the age of five.

Since their time together in India at Maharajji`s feet, Durgamayi Ma and Vishnu Digambar - Ma`s spiritual companion - were deeply connected to K.K.. In 2006 K.K. accepted Ma`s invitation and visited the Brindavon Ashram here in Ulm. For four weeks he lived together with us chela and shared from the rich treasure of his experiences with Sri Neem Karoli Baba.
Last night, January 15, many of Ma’s chela gathered in the ashram in memory of K.K.. From the bottom of our hearts we sang twelve Hanuman Chalisa - he will always be lovingly remembered.