Four very special days! Visit of Rabboo Joshi from India
With great joy we look back on the four extraordinary days when Rabboo Joshi, his daughter Amita and his granddaughter Rhadika visited the ashram at the invitation of Durgamayi Ma.

Already as a very young person Rabboo Joshi had the good fortune to meet Sri Neem Karoli Baba, in 1954, at that time he was 14 years old. Maharaji has been with him all his life. Many of these experiences he describes in his moving book “I and My Father Are One”. Since 1973, after Baba had left his body, Rabboo Joshi gave his full support to Sri Siddhi Ma, carrying on Baba’s work in India.
In the spring of 2023, he approached Ma with a heartfelt request to accept a murti of Lord Hanuman as an offering to Ma and Maharajji’s Satsang in Germany - a gift from devotees in India and UK. In September 2023, on Nirvan Divas - the celebration commemorating Maharajji’s 50th Mahasamadhi - Ma will inaugurate the new murti of Hanumanji.
During the four days of his visit in the ashram, a never-ending stream of stories flowed from Rabbooji, to which we listened spellbound. Wherever he stood or sat, a small group of chela would immediately gather around him.
The highlight of his visit here was certainly Ma’s darshan on Saturday in the Baba Mandir. Ma asked Rabboo Joshi to take a seat right next to Ma. So he shared some of his earliest memories of Baba with us, and with all our hearts we sang a powerful Hanuman Chalisa together.
During his visit to the ashram and the meeting with Ma, many beautiful pictures were taken. On Facebook Rabboo Joshi has also posted a personal account of his visit to “Ulm Dham”.
Thank you BABA! Thank you MA!
Thank you Rabboo Joshi for this wonderful time! Thank you Amita Joshi for taking such loving care of him on this journey!
It was a very special time for all of us!
Ram Ram