Vesakh Prayer Flags
Every year in the ashram we celebrate Vesakh, the festival in memory of the birth and enlightenment of Gautama Buddha.

May all human beings live the wisdom of their hearts.
Durgamayi Ma
And for many years, on this day, all visitors write a wish for the world on a small flag - based on the Buddhist tradition of prayer flags. This year, because of Covid-19, we could only celebrate Vesakh connected via livestream again, so everyone who registered received a flag sent from the ashram and sent it back with their wish written on it.
And every year we ask Ma to bless our prayers, in the form of a special flag with Ma’s words on Vesakh for the world.
We join the flag with Ma’s blessing and all the flags with our prayers into one long garland and the wind carries the Vesakh prayers into the world.
This year, at Ma’s request, we have placed the flags in front of Sri Neem Karoli Baba Mandir - in anticipation that hopefully the Sri Neem Karoli Baba Mandir will be able to open for Baba’s Mahasamadhi in September.