Nirvan Divas 2021
This past weekend we celebrated Nirvan Divas - the festival in memory of Sri Neem Karoli Baba’s Mahasamadhi, the day He left His body 48 years ago - with many devotees at Brindavon Ashram - since we had to postpone the opening of the Baba Mandir.
Unexpectedly for many of us, Ma came to the ashram Friday night and our joy was great to receive Ma’s darshan again after such a long time.

On Saturday the celebrations began in the morning and we honored Maharajji with a lot of kirtan, a bhandara, in seeing pictures of Baba from the time when our Guruma sat at His feet and hearing stories about Him from the book “Miracle of Love”.
In the evening, when Ma opened the grand aarti to Maharajji and each one of us then honored Baba with the aarti light, the temple overflowed with His love. It was incredible!
This festival also marked the first time that Ma’s darshan was livestreamed - for the many devotees who could not come in person because of the pandemic, or who wanted to attend the festival in India, the US, or elsewhere in the world. For those who wish to experience the festival once again, the recording is still online here.
Glory be to You, Sri Neem Karoli Baba, please purify my heart with Your grace.
From the Vinaya Chalisa, Hymn to Sri Neem Karoli Baba
Jai Hanuman!