Guru Purnima 2021
At this wonderful Gurupurnima we all received Ma’s darshan together for the first time in 18 months - what a blessing that was!

Ma has asked me to share with you in this short article what great joy you have brought to your MA with your devotion to Baba, to Ma and to your path as spiritual disciples, which you expressed in many different ways during this celebration:
with your wonderful kirtan on Friday evening, as part of an online festival for Gurupurnima of different ashrams around the world
with the many Ram in Baba’s Kutir, which slowly make Sri Neem Karoli Baba Mandir really come into being
with your donations to Gurupurnima for the Baba Mandir
with the beautiful card in which many chela from the Satsang opened their hearts to MA
the beautiful flowers you brought to the ashram and sent to the MA house
the great amount of prasad which MA partly asked to be brought to the food banks in Ulm and Neu-Ulm - which are always very happy about such special sweets
and as a highlight the celebration in the ashram with your ecstatic singing of the Guru Aarti.
My love is always with you, wherever you are!
Durgamayi Ma