Durga Puja 2019
This weekend many visitors and chela from the Satsang came to Brindavon Ashram to celebrate Durga Puja together.

Even though Durgamayi Ma could not yet give darshan again due to illness, we remembered Her words:
Goddess Durga represents a primordial feminine power inherent in every human being. She comes in the form of humility - in the form of devotion - in the form of justice and in Her highest form, that of unconditional love.
— Durgamayi Ma
At Durga Puja, we turn to this primordial feminine power within ourselves, that it may be called to new life - again and again.
With our chanting we placed our wish at the feet of Sri Neem Karoli Baba that our Guru MA may soon recover, and through the inwardly deeply moving kirtan our hearts opened.
Photos from the celebrations